Holiday Potluck 2002

Every year the we have our annual holiday dinner potluck which is arguably the most popular club event of all. This year was certainly no exception. After our regular meeting we kicked off the festivities with live entertainment by String Fever (scroll down for audio clips), a fantastic feast of food brought by club members with ham/turkey/potatoes provided by the club, free door prizes, and the biggest raffle of the year. It is always a great time to socialize, relax, have fun, get good eats, and great music.

This year we also conducted a short survey of club members presenting several possible club ideas and asking them to rate how interested they would be in participating. View the results here!

The kitchen crew hard at work getting the food ready

The whole gang

The officers table

Entertainment by String Fever! Great music! Listen to recordings of their potluck performance for yourself below!

    Clip1  -  Clip2  -  Clip3



More great food then anyone could eat. Thanks to all! See you next year!